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WTC 7 – es drangen extreme Mengen an Staub aus dem Gebäude, bevor es gesprengt wurde.

Du glaubst nicht die offizielle Geschichte
über die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001,
aber was Geschah an dem Tag wirklich ?
Die Türme waren 400 Meter hoch.
Die gesprengten Gebäude sind einfach ZERSTAUBT ❗️
Die Trümmer haben den Boden nie erreicht.

aus Dr. Judy Wood, where did the towers go ?

Über Dr. Judy Wood

Would it surprise you if I told you the basements were mostly empty and free of debris? Most of the cars in the parking garages were driven out from where they were parked. I suggest you read this article, discussing the mostly undamaged basements. ( Do you know the work of Dr Judy Wood? The court case she filed against 23 NIST subcontractors for science fraud in 2007, which went all the way to the US Supreme court in 2009, but NONE of the 9/11 „truther“ talking heads want you to know about it and they don’t want you to read this book: